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Merch Store Up, so yeah, any music requests?

Had to order some samples from the shop to get myself right. Made a few changes to some placements and now everything is online and ready for the world to see and enjoy!

This tee is the Dick Azoo Signature Tee and it's just the logo, plain and simple. On a denim blue shirt for that chill guy vibe.

So with that out of the way let's get back to why we are here.

Sweet sweet kazoo. A proverbial Kazoo Orgy if you will.

If you have a song you would like to request drop it in the comments here and I'll see what the voodoo gods can do. Babba loo in the 222.


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Here we are. Day 1 shit

Hi everyone. Just testing out the old chatterbox features here in the Dickiverse so I thought why not throw up a pic and it's a great way for people to see what's happening around here.

Live music? Yeah baby let's do it.


Kazoo ORGY?!?!?!?!

Shit now I'm thrown off my game. So we're gonna have to have a Kazoo Orgy at some point. Hell, that may just be my bands new name.

Chat nasty, stay tasty!